Stand To Coffee - very dark

Stand To Coffee - very dark

Stand To Coffee - very dark

Regular price $19.00
  • In stock
  • An extra dark ROBUSTA coffee.
  • Average caffeine content of 56mg per 100ml serving
  • Grains from Brazil, South America and India.
  • AROMAS: smoke notes with a round bitterness and a woody finish.
  • Available as a filter.

At dawn, this coffee will help you get started and start your day off right.

According to military practice, the "Stand to" is ordered before dawn and / or shortly after dusk.

Covered by darkness, each soldier takes up a defensive position to protect their positions from a potential enemy. This same order can be issued during an imminent attack.

Whether you are in a loaded gun and bayonet trench in the barrel or in the office with colleagues, this café will help you hold on in the most precarious situations.

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